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Local Online Payment:

Please make a payment for 30 Days Access SRD220 or 7 Days pass SRD75 to the following bank details. Fill in Form and Proceed to Order. Keep in mind that processing time takes 1-2 Work days.

Local Cash Payment:

Monday - Friday | 09:00u - 15:00u
Only at SCCN N.V. office
Hofstede Crull'aan 42 | Paramaribo | SR

Bank Details:

Bank: De Surinaamsche Bank N.V.
Suriname Cable and Communication Network N.V.
Account number: 6498965
Currency: SRD
Comments: S+ 30D or S+ 7D + email (first 5 letters)

Bank: Republic Bank (RBC)
Suriname Cable and Communication Network N.V.
Account number: 5000113365
Currency: SRD
Comments: S+ 30D or S+ 7D + email (first 5 letters)

SCCN+ Online Order Form

Place your order now for only SRD220


30 Days Access or 7 Days pass SRD75


Upload Bank Receipt
Screenshot in jpg, bmp (Max 15MB)

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